Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Grade Conferences

Next Wednesday, when you get back your papers, I will end class early to discuss individual grades with students.

Right now there have been four reading quizzes worth 40 points. These quizzes are 10% of your final grade.
Right now we are finishing our third blogs (in the form of comments). These blogs are worth 20% of your final grade.
Next week you will get back your first paper. It will be worth 10% of your final grade.
Right now participation is worth 10% of your final grade. This grade will be assembled from a combination of your attendance and your participation in group work. Students who have missed more than fours of class will not receive a failing participation grade, but they have removed themselves from achieving full points. Students that have missed hours of class, don't keep up with the reading, and therefore can't participate should expect very low participation scores.

As a result, a student that has missed five hours, missed one blog, and failed two quizzes has already lost at least 15-25% of their entire grade.

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