Assignment Three

Peer Review: Last Day of Class
Due Date: Final Exam

Assignment Goal: To write from the perspective, or point of view, from a character in the novel Hunger Games that is not Katniss, and to address a major scene in the novel from that character's perspective and their "limited" point of view.

Assignment Description: For this assignment, students will choose to write from the point of view of a character in the novel that isn't Katniss. That means that they will have to adopt the motivation, goals, and "voice" of that character. They will use their perspective, which can be written in the first person, to overlap with at least one major scene from the novel. They will tell that scene from the perspective of their character. They will also write about a scene that isn't in the novel. This imagined scene must reveal to readers something new and important about the text.

For both scenes, there should be some "idea" that's at stake. The fiction should be able to show this idea through the interaction of characters, action, or description - students will have to show that this "idea" matters through story, rather than solely through argumentation. 

For example, Katniss is only able to survive because she's able to influence how her "story" appears to the audience watching the Hunger Games. Sponsors only give her gifts because she's done something that appeals to their sense of drama or sentiment. One could say that the idea behind this is "media management," or "public relations," or "sentiment creation," or "emotional influence."

This "idea" will be the title of the student's paper.

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