Monday, July 30, 2012

Midterm: July 30th

You have from 12.30-2 to complete the following sections. Spend 1/4 of your time on section one, 1/4 of your time on section two, and 1/2 of your time on the section three. Jot down notes and perhaps outline your answers before you begin writing -- that time could prove invaluable to you.

Directions: Read the following exchange from The Importance of Being Earnest, and explain what it means. Focus on why the characters are saying it, why it make senses in the play, and whether or not it's supposed to be funny -- and why. (25 points)

The Importance of Being Earnest

Jack: I know nothing, Lady Bracknell.
Lady Bracknell: I am pleased to hear it. I do not approve of anything that tampers with natural ignorance. Ignorance is like a delicate exotic fruit; touch it and the bloom is gone. The whole theory of modern education is radically unsound. Fortunately in England, at any rate, education produces no effect whatsoever. If it did, it would prove a serious danger to the upper classes, and probably lead to acts of violence in Grosvenor Square.

Directions: Read the following poem and analyze it. Say what you think the major "idea" in the poem could be, and give supporting evidence for it. The supporting evidence can be images, lines, or words from the poem that you explain. Your explanation of these moments in the poem should help you support your reading. Read the poem carefully and go with your instincts -- consider who the speaker could be, what mood he or she could be in, what they might be feeling, and what "conflict" might be in the poem. (25 points)

Lunch Poems


Instand coffee with slightly sour cream
in it, and a phone call to be beyond
which doesn't seem to be coming any nearer.
"Ah daddy, I wanna stay drunk many days"
on the poetry of a new friend
my life held precariously in the seeing
hands of others, their and my impossibilities.
Is this love, now that the first love
has finally died, where there were no impossibilities?

Directions: Read the following passage and analyze it. Say what you think the major "idea" in the passage could be, and give supporting evidence for it. The supporting evidence can be images, lines, or words from the passage that you explain. Your explanation can be expanded to include a discussion of anything relevant from the novel you think relates to the passage. Consider, too, this question: how does the main idea here intersect (connect) with the big events of the novel? (50 points)

If He Hollers

"But I knew I'd wake up someday and say to hell with it, I didn't want to be the biggest Negro who ever lived,neither Toussaint L'Ouverture nor Walter White. Because deep inside of me, where the white folks couldn't see, it didn't mean a thing. If you couldn't swing down Hollywood Boulevard and know that you belonged; if you couldn't make a polite pass at Lana Turner at Ciro's without having the gendarmes beat the black off you for getting out of your place; if you couldn't eat a thirty-dollar dinner at an hotel without choking on the insults, being a great big "Mister" nigger didn't mean a thing." (153) 

Quiz #8

What do you think is Katniss' biggest challenge in the Hunger Games? What do you think is the most important idea she's learned for her survival? Support your idea with evidence from the text - a scene. You may use your book.

Blog Four: Focusing on a Character from Hunger Games

For their fourth blog, students will consider their upcoming and final assignment. They will explain to their blog readers what this assignment asks, and what their plans are for this assignment. They will explain to their blog readers what character they have chosen and why, and what scenes they will create and why. They will also explain to their readers what they most want to accomplish with their assignment, and what they imagine to be the biggest challenge to their successful completion of the assignment.

Blog due this Friday.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Extra Credit

The following steps will earn you "points" that count toward your final grade. Completing each step will earn you a certain number of points. These points will directly increase the final percentage of your final grade. Each one is worth at least one "10" on a quiz.

1. Review the comments that were made on your blog. Review the blog. Revise the blog according to the suggestions or according to what you believe is the most "excellent" your blog could be in relationship to the assignment. ONE POINT.

2. Email the professor and ask to leave thoughtful, 125-word comments on someone else's blogs. You will do this for two blogs by two different students you've never commented upon before. ONE and a HALF POINTS.

3. Blog: Hunger Games and Racism. Read the following article linked HERE. Summarize that article in a blog, and discuss how you believe racist fans read novels based on their reaction to the film. Add anything else you find interesting in your reaction. ONE POINT.

Each of these steps will together you 3.5 points on your final grade. This would push an 85 to an 88.5, or a B to a B+.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Quiz # 7

What was most interesting to you from the reading? What was most meaningful?

Monday, July 23, 2012

Reading Circle Questions

1. Where do we get the best descriptions of this "world"? What is a passage that can tell us something about it?

2. Is the world of this story plausible (believable)? Why or why not?

3. What do you make of the central character? Does she make her own choices?

4. What is the most interesting passage for you?

thesis template(s)

introduction - first few lines: snazzy, biting, creative...attention grabbing...related to theme of the paper

thesis - In this essay I plan to interpret the poem _____________. For me this poem is about ___________________________. [first sentence of your argument]. {for me this poem is about his response to the death of Billie Holiday. This response is characterized by __________________. The poem's emphasis on _________________ {state main themes, images, scenes, references) is important because ___________________________. (shock, grief, interruption of routine, loss, heartbreak, denial, memory). His references throughout the poem are meaningful because___________________________. 


quote some lines

grief and shock and loss
 quote some lines
 explain the quotes
references: possible connection to this idea

heartbreak, fear of death
 quote some lines
 explain the quotes
references: possible connection to this idea


Quiz # 6: The Hunger Games

How is the book reading so far? What do you think of the protagonist? Who or what appears to be the antagonist? What are plot strands you find most interesting? What, if anything, is confusing you? What do you make of the difference between District 12 and the Capitol?

Peer Review Essay Two

Peer Review Guidelines

1. Move into your PR groups.
2. Determine who will read in what order.
3. Budget 10-15 minutes per person and no more.
4. The reader reads their paper aloud.
5. Give written feedback that offers specific criticism according to criteria below.
6. Put your name on this feedback and give it to the writer.
7. Keep your written feedback and staple it to your final draft.

Writing Feedback Directions (from the text Tutoring Writing)

1. Open with a general statement of assessment about the blog's relationship to the assignment. Be clear about which parts fulfill the assignment and which parts need improvement.
2. Present comments so the writer knows which problems with text are most important and which are of lesser importance.
3. Use comments primarily to call attention to strengths and weaknesses in the piece, and be clear about the precise points where they occur.
4. Don't feel obligated to do all the 'fixing.' Refrain from focusing on grammar unless it impedes your ability to understand the piece.
5. Write comments that are text-specific, and uniquely aimed at the blog and the writer.


1. Pose at least two questions that ask for clarification or that seek other possible views or more information on the subject.
2. Let the writer know what specific lines, ideas, and stylistic touches you find pleasing.
3. When you make a specific, concrete suggestion for improvement, try couching it in a qualifier: "You might try..." or "Why don't you add..." or "Another way of writing the lead might be..."
4. If you notice a pattern of errors (incorrect use of commas, etc) comment on it in a global way at the end of the piece.
Evaluate the essays in your peer review groups by responding thoughtfully to each of the following criteria. Focus on the criteria you feel students should most address in their drafts.  

Responses must be specific in order to count. 

Attach written suggestions from your peers to your final drafts for full peer review credit.

1. Thesis: contains a central assertion that places a central idea at the forefront of the essay; thesis is a statement not a sentence; thesis explains its terms;   (20%)

2. Structure: Essay contains an introduction; Essay organized around topic sentences; each paragraph provides context for the reader; essay explains direct quotations; essay uses MLA in-text citations and has a bibliography (20%)

3. Evidence: Essay successfully places direct quotes into each body paragraph; essay cites those quotes correctly according to MLA guidelines; essay summarizes quotes;  (20%)

4. Critical Thinking: Essay interprets quotes in original ways that go beyond class discussion; essay connects main ideas to other texts or moments in text; essay utilizes keywords and defines them; essay offers unique and original interpretations of passages selected (20%)

5. Polish: Essay shows signs of revision; essay has a conclusion that goes beyond re-stating thesis; Sentences are fluid and flow together; essay addressed to readers beyond professor (20%)